Delaware Small Business Web Design
An Affordable Small Business Web Site Presence
Michael Dell, who founded the Dell Corporation, was quoted as saying, "Show me a business that's not on the Internet, and I'll show you a business that's out of touch with the future."
Any business without a website today is like a business without a telephone 30 years ago. People expect all businesses to have a website. Typically they may use a search engine like Google to find a company’s website when seeking information about the products and services that the business offers. If they have an interest in a product that you happen to offer, search for you and don't find you, they may just look elsewhere.
Many large & small businesses need a site to offer just the basics to visitors. This may include location, type of product or service and contact information. Often, independent real estate agent pages would fall in this category if the agent chooses to forgo the MLS search and just wants to show their own listings.
Affordable Small Business Web Sites
The mini-site small business web design format includes an custom designed look and feel and is typically 4 - 6 pages of data and mobile device friendly. It will offer contact information and is often considered a major piece of the business advertising program. There is room to include details that distinguish the business from its competitors and can include special offerings to attract customers.
A big advantage to having a small business web site in the advertising mix is that you can run smaller (less expensive) print ads and simply include your web address in the ad. Then you're not paying big bucks to run repetitive information in newspapers and magazines. Also, the email link in a mini-site allows the interested customer to contact your business immediately. You have a chance to pull in the customer right away. If you get customers then we keep your business. Win-win!
Within the next five years virtually all businesses, large and small, will be on-line. They will also need a mobile ready web site presence. With the number of PCs and mobile web device internet enabled smart phones, tablets &, iPads at home or at work, people use the Internet to look for services, book accommodation, book flight tickets, check out restaurants and to research and purchase all sorts of goods on line even for local businesses. The use of Mobile devices has been increasing by over 150% per year according to StatCounter Global Stats and likely to increase exponentially in the future. It has become imperative for businesses to embrace this trend and adjust their online presence to accommodate this change in technology. Coastal Images inc. will work with you to create a small business web design for you giving you a professional presence, accomodate mobile devices and give you a 24 hour a day information presence on the internet.
There really is no reason why even the smallest business should not have a website and the potential benefits are huge! After all, it’s not expensive and a small business website which is viewable 24/7 - 365 days a year can cost less than an entry in Yellow Pages or a newspaper ad.
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A collection of our most recent Responsive Mobile Ready Delaware Web Design Projects:
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